
How to buy VSAT antenna?

You need to know two major things right away: Design a VSAT transmitting network, first you need to know the information capacity and quality which need to transmit,each communication link from each information, firstly calculate the occupied bandwidth and occupied Satellite transmitting power. According to Satellite transmitting power and communication quality specification, through link budget…

Simultaneous supporting 2 bands with C and Ku Multiband satcom antenna systems

Antesky 9.0m Rx only C & Ku Band system earth station antenna using a single feed Simultaneous operation in multiple bands and multiple polarizations. The multiband feed uses Antesky’s patented approach of broadband, coaxial circular waveguide with independent antenna cavities for each band. These cavities are modular and independent of the other cavities and can be configured…

Three Classes of Earth Satellite Orbits

Three Classes of Earth Satellite Orbits

Satellites at different earth orbits present various perspectives for many reasons. Usually there are three kinds of orbits in essence, which are high Earth orbit, medium Earth orbit and low Earth orbit. High Earth Orbit It is also called geosynchronous because the satellite seems motionless to the earth at the same turing speed as the earth. These…

Hilical antenna

Do you know Aluminum mesh antenna?

Aluminum mesh antenna,When talking about antennas, what will appear in your brain? A paraboloid, a big and high object, white color etc.Actually there are a variety of antennas around us. They divided into variable categories according to different operations, applications, structures, wave length, etc.Today I’d like to know some antennas with you. Look at the following…

Uplink and downlink power variation of satellite communication system02

About Satellite communication links

Satellite communication links design aim: 1. Get corresponding communication reliability(BER value, S/N value) when Transmission Power and receiving antenna diameter are as low as possible; 2. Provide design reference for key components of RF system(such as HPA,LNA), and provide design aim for antenna system; 3. Consider the links attenuation under various condition and provide available…

Analysis about the Safe Distance of Electromagnetic Radiation from Satellite Earth Station Antenna

The source of satellite antenna electromagnetic radiation Satellite earth station is used to receive signals from satellite or transmit signals to satellite. Usually satellite earth station consists of antenna, transmitter, receiver, terminal, communication controller and power supply, as shown in Fig.1 below: The satellite antenna, RF transmitter, power amplifier and waveguide transmission feed line among…