Elon Musk once said,” If rocket can be resued as airplane, the cost to enter into space will become 100 times lower.”
At 9:00A.M. of Dec 22nd,2015, SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket researched and developed by themselves into Space from Florida Kennedy Space Center. This is the first time for civilian companies to send effective payload to the area near ISS. At the same time, SpaceX adopts reused and first-class rocket. Therefore, its successful launch also stands for “The first step for reused rocker”.
Space X is established by Elon Musk in the year of 2002, who is also the founder of Paypal and Tesla. He said, “During the researching and developing process, suggestions and guidance from NASA specialist are always helping SpaceX, which make us go forward following the USA’s 50 years’ experience on Space, and reach the goal finally.”
Hope NASA and SpaceX can make more contribution to human beings on Space area.